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Monday, July 20, 2009

July 11, 2009

T-Shirts Captions

I’ve always been fascinated by tee shirt captions because I think they express what an individual usually feels for that day (or hour maybe) when it was donned. Most importantly they are usually funny and I am cheered for that minute or hours after I read them. I stare unabashedly straight at their chest and read in silence and then burst out laughing and got dirty looks in the process because I think they sometimes forget that they have words written across their chest. Once I turn their attention to the words, I get a smile or outright laughter.

I decided to highlight a few I’ve seen so far that tickled my funny bone. I just love how clever and tongue-in-cheek they are. See for yourself.


I taught your girlfriend that thing you love so much! (This was on the well muscled chest of a Latino guy)

Are you as think as I drunk am I? (This one is easy, had one or six drink too many)

Lord keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. (Self- explanatory)

I know it all… I just can’t remember it all at once. (Memory impaired perhaps?)

High Maintenance (This one was a hoot because the woman wearing this looks to be in her seventies, head wrapped in bright floral scarf, skirt with huge floral prints and sneakers with socks…so far from the caption written across her chest.)

Orgasm Donor (Do you really need an explanation for this one? A very confident teenage boy was wearing it)

He loves me (Big letterings) I love him not! (Small letterings)

Sarcasm- just one of my many talents!


Readers if you see any more tongue-in-cheek captions please send them to me at “bookworm5316@yahoo.com” please and thank you...Lata!

Just learned this morning July 20th, that one of my favourite author, Frank McCourt has passed away. I read his critically acclaimed novel "Angela's Ashes" for which he received a pulitizer prize and his other novel "Tis". He was a very talented writer.He will be missed.
R.I.P Mr. McCourt.


Jaycan said...

Ironic that you should write a blog about T-shirts captions, cos just today i saw a young lady wearing a bright green one boldly declaring "Don't read my T-shirt"
I looked at her and read it out loud, she smiled. I know I wouldn't wear it, but it was kinda cute.

Rockaway Girl said...

Another great thing about Summer are those funny captions t-shirts, I just love seeing and reading them! They will be gone too soon repalced with long sleeve tees so I am enjoying the captions as I encounter them at work, on the streets, in the bus and wherever... Thanks for stopping by!