“Let go and let God”
June 17, 2009
I’ve been trying to live, weave, intersperse if you will this concept in my life a lot lately and as simple as it sounds putting it into practice is the hardest thing ever, but it is possible.
Life has been challenging lately, basically for everyone whom this recession has affected and for whatever other reasons had to rely on one pay check as opposed to the two you had before, among other things. Personally my behind is sore from all the ‘kicking’ I’ve been receiving and financially my purse and bank book has been in an eternal recession especially since I was laid off and my savings had to go towards paying rent, and personal bills (read credit cards, medical bills, a small amount but still…) I have a child who’s growing like a weed out of his clothes and sneakers and for whatever reason, boy’s clothes are very expensive as compared to girls. I have a husband whose job was also affected by the economy’s down-turn. I am not unique in this situation and this is not a “woe is me” blog post, on the contrary, I’m happy and grateful enough everyday I’m allowed to wake up, live and breathe that day and to be thankful for my blessings those I’ve acknowledged and the ones I have not for that day. I know I’m Blessed!
This is instead a post about Hope and Faith. This is about having it, exercising it, believing it, releasing it and expecting that you will have a positive outcome when all is said and done.
There’s a saying… “When men on earth has done their best, only angels in heaven can do the rest” (or something similar) and I firmly believe that is the perfect time to ‘let go and let God’ and that simply means, surrendering all your cares and troubles to Him(whomever you deem Him to be), release your Faith, stand back and watch!
He knows exactly what you need and when you need it.
Surrender and release your faith, knowing that He hears, understands and believe He’s working on your behalf on what He thinks is best for you and not necessarily what you believe you want or need. You also have to remember He works on his time, not yours! When you make two steps forward and three steps back and constantly falling on your face and not for lack of trying or being uncoordinated, having two left feet, then it’s clearly time to ‘let go and let God’.
When you are used to being in control of your life, managing and micro-managing the day to day living, the tangibles and suddenly everything is falling apart at the seams and no matter how skilful you are it’s impossible to keep all the balls in the air, then it’s a whisper to ‘let go…’ You won’t be giving up, nor are you expected to, you are just handing it to Him in faith and keep on moving no longer worrying, having sleepless nights or panic attacks about the ‘what ifs’ life has to offer.
To “let go and let God” is a little like being a trapeze artist in the air without a net below executing expert and complex maneuverings knowing if your timing is off by a second you’re doomed…that’s what it feels like and it’s the hardest thing in the world to do but the minute you surrender in Faith, believing, releasing and expecting a positive outcome you’ll be amazed at the peace you’ll experience and most importantly how effortlessly and miraculously things fall into place. That’s when you know He’s working.
Sounds weird and unbelievable I know but I’m a believer because time and time again I’ve experience this and I know without a doubt it works! Of course this is after frustratingly trying to do it myself over and over fighting and being miserable until the light bulb goes off and I said “okay God, I’m done, I have no fight left, please help me!” That would be my way of surrendering.
Sometimes I have terrible arguments with Him too, oh yeah, about the ‘whys’(questions) and the futility in trying and he lets me goes through all of that and for what…terrible verbal arguments (crazy I know) but I do and in a quiet moment I’ll usually ‘hear’ and be humbled.
So whenever life decides to trip you up and it will, take a moment, breathe, pray, (meditate if that’s your thing) exercise and release your faith, believing and expecting that it will be taken care of… doors will be open, someone will just walk up to you or have a phone conversation or you’ll open a book and the answer, solution will be revealed to you. That in itself is the most exciting aspect to me because I usually can’t wait to see how He reveals Himself. Have a blessed day…Lata!
Well said!! I'm living proof that trusting in Him has unimaginable rewards.. Thanks for such encouraging words, Nuff Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you Jaycan for the blessings and for stopping by! Same to you and your family.
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